Express Your Love

“The Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all.” 1TH 3:12 NKJV
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
As C.W. Vanderbergh wrote, “To love the whole world for me is no chore. My only real problem is my neighbor next door.” Most businesses would benefit greatly if bosses truly loved their employees, and the workers knew it. Most marriages would be happier, if spouses heard and saw constant reminders that they were loved by their mates. Most families would be happier if parents consistently and lovingly affirmed their children. Tim Sanders, who wrote Love is the Killer App: How To Win Business and Influence Friends, tells us love is the crucial element in the search for personal and professional success. He goes on to say that if life was an iPhone, love would be the first app you should add. Sanders is on to something! The greatest leaders are loving leaders-their followers, friends, and employees know they have their best interests at heart. Stop and think about this: Would you say the people who made the greatest and most lasting impact on you were the ones you felt genuinely loved and cared about you? Of course you would! And that’s how you’re supposed to treat others. The songwriter said, “Love wasn’t put in your heart to stay; love isn’t love till you give it away.” Here are four good reasons for saying “I love you” on a regular basis: (1) You need to say it. (2) You need to hear yourself say it. (3) Others need to hear you say it. (4) You need to hear it from others. So don’t be afraid to say those three little words! Once you start-you’ll never go back!